VueJS JavaScript

Mastering Vue2 & Vue3 Dynamic Components

Dynamic components in Vue.js play a pivotal role in creating flexible and interactive user interfaces. They enable seamless switching between different components based on specific conditions, leading to more dynamic and engaging web applications. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the concept of dynamic components in both Vue 2 and Vue 3 Composition API, […]

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Add Load More Button on Collection Page in Shopify

Hello folks, in today’s blog post, I am going to talk about how you can implement the “Load More” button feature on the Shopify collection page. First, let’s understand why we need Load More button feature on the Collection page or Product listing page? In every e-commerce website, there are high chances that the number […]

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Web Technologies JavaScript NuxtJS VueJS

Why You Should Consider NuxtJS Over VueJS in 2023?

As a JavaScript developer, you have many options for front-end frameworks like Angular and React but now developers have options for VueJS and NuxtJS as well. While both frameworks are great for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces, NuxtJS offers several advantages over VueJS that make it a better choice for many projects in 2023. […]

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Web Technologies

JavaScript’s Asynchronous Programming for beginners

Definition In JavaScript, asynchronous programming allows for the execution of numerous processes concurrently(tasks can run in parallel) rather than sequentially. A single task can only be processed at a time by JavaScript because it is a single-threaded programming language. However, it handles asynchronous code via a mechanism known as the “event loop“,  which enables it […]

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PHP Laravel

How to fix 500 internal server error in Laravel AJAX?

We’ll look at 500 internal server problems in Laravel 9 ajax in this tutorial. We can also see how to resolve or fix the ajax-related Laravel 9 500 internal server problem. If your Laravel 9 jQuery ajax post request is returning 500 internal server errors, check your server logs. Here, we’ll explain how to resolve the Laravel 9 ajax post 500 (Internal Server […]

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PHP Laravel

Possibly ask laravel interview questions in 2023

In this blog, i will try to cover mostly asked or you can say possibly asked laravel interview questions. Today I am covering 20 questions only, but I will try to add/update more questions, in this blog, so bookmark this blog or save this blog however you want to save this, as this will be […]

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Web Technologies

5 essential Reasons to use Progressive Web App(PWA) in 2023

A Progressive Web Application (PWA) is a type of web application that is designed to work offline and function like a native mobile app. PWAs use modern web technologies such as service workers and web app manifests to provide a seamless user experience across different devices and platforms. To stay ahead in the market, companies […]

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Laravel PHP

Top 4 essential laravel packages for any laravel projects

Laravel is a popular PHP framework for building web applications. One of the reasons for its popularity is a large number of laravel packages available for development. These laravel packages can be easily installed and integrated into your Laravel application, saving you a lot of time and effort. While offering strong features like complete dependency […]

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Future Tech

10 ways chatGPT will help you to earn money online

Content Writing Services ChatGPT can be used to assist with content writing services by generating written text based on a given prompt or topic. It can also be used to help with editing, proofreading, and formatting text. Additionally, ChatGPT can be used to generate ideas for new content and to research and gather information on […]

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Future Tech

chatGPT: Life will become easy with chatGPT from 2023

chatGPT is a very trending topic in December 2022 on platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram. Over 1 million users signed up in 5 days after its release on December 1, 2022, which is faster than Facebook, Netflix, and Instagram. People behind openAI are launched this new AI engine called chatGPT. In near future, there is […]

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