Mastering Vue2 & Vue3 Dynamic Components
VueJS JavaScript

Mastering Vue2 & Vue3 Dynamic Components


Dynamic components in Vue.js play a pivotal role in creating flexible and interactive user interfaces. They enable seamless switching between different components based on specific conditions, leading to more dynamic and engaging web applications. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the concept of dynamic components in both Vue 2 and Vue 3 Composition API, with detailed explanations and practical code snippets. We are taking a very basic example for this blog so that everyone can understand, but if you have any particular scenario, that needs to be cracked relating to your application, please feel free to comment, my team will connect you to help you out.

Understanding Dynamic Components

Vue 2: In Vue.js 2, dynamic components allow us to dynamically switch between different components within a single location in our template. This is achieved using the `component` tag along with the `is` attribute, which dynamically binds the component to the specified component name.

Vue 3 Composition API: With the introduction of the Composition API in Vue.js 3, implementing dynamic components has become more streamlined. The Composition API provides a more structured approach to managing component logic, making it easier to handle dynamic components within the application.

Why does your application need dynamic components?

If your application is too big and has too many components on a single page or the same instance for multiple pages, then dynamic components are the easy way to handle your large-scale application. Dynamic components provide that platform in an efficient and simple way.

Large scale applications are not always about just if and else conditions, it is always about using framework concepts in a correct way. You can use conditional structures to achieve dynamic components by using a placeholder approach to easily bind logic to the component.

Implementation in Vue 2

To implement dynamic components in Vue 2, we can use the following code snippets:
<component :is="currentComponent"></component>
export default {
       data() {
             return {
                    currentComponent: 'ComponentA'

Here, `currentComponent` is a data property that determines which component to render dynamically. By updating the value of `currentComponent`, we can switch between different components on the fly.

Transition to Vue.js 3 Composition API

Vue 3’s Composition API offers a more organized approach to handling dynamic components. Here’s how you can use the Composition API for dynamic components:

    const app = Vue.createApp({
                currentComponent: 'ComponentA'
            return Vue.h(this.currentComponent);

In this example, we use the `createApp` function to create an application instance and define the `currentComponent` as a reactive property. The `render` function dynamically renders the component based on the value of `currentComponent`.

Advanced Techniques and Best Practices

In both Vue 2 and Vue 3, it’s crucial to employ best practices to ensure effective development and maintainability. Here are some key techniques and best practices:

1. Component Reusability: Structure components in a modular and reusable manner to maximize code reusability and maintainability across the application.
2. Performance Optimization: Employ optimization strategies such as lazy loading and component caching to enhance the performance of dynamic components, ensuring smoother user experiences.

Real-World Examples and Use Cases

Dynamic components find application in various scenarios, such as:

  1. Building tabbed interfaces with dynamic content loading.
  2. Implementing conditional rendering of components based on user interactions.
  3. Creating dynamic forms that adjust based on user input and choices.


Dynamic components are a powerful feature in Vue.js that significantly enhances the flexibility and interactivity of web applications. Both in Vue 2 and Vue 3, the implementation and management of dynamic components have been streamlined, making it easier for developers to create complex and engaging user interfaces.

Additional Resources and References

For further exploration, refer to the following resources:

  1. Vue.js Documentation: (
  2. Vue.js Community Forums: (
  3. Vue.js GitHub Repository: (

With a solid understanding of dynamic components in both Vue 2 and Vue 3, you can create highly interactive and responsive user interfaces that cater to diverse user requirements.

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