Possibly ask laravel interview questions in 2023
PHP Laravel

Possibly ask laravel interview questions in 2023

Laravel Interview Questions

In this blog, i will try to cover mostly asked or you can say possibly asked laravel interview questions. Today I am covering 20 questions only, but I will try to add/update more questions, in this blog, so bookmark this blog or save this blog however you want to save this, as this will be very helpful to guide those developers who already are in PHP/laravel or will learn and appear for laravel interviews.

1. What is the difference between Authorization and Authentication?

A – Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user or system. It often involves the use of a username and password, but can also include other forms of verification such as biometric data or security tokens.

Authorization, on the other hand, is the process of determining what a user or system is allowed to do once they have been authenticated. This often involves granting access to certain resources or functionality based on the user’s role or permissions.

2. What is the difference between Authorization and Authentication?

In a database or other data storage system, a soft delete refers to the practice of marking a record as deleted rather than physically removing it from the database. This allows the record to be restored if necessary. For example, if a user accidentally deletes a record, the administrator can restore it.

When a record is soft deleted, it is typically flagged as deleted in some way (for example, by setting a “deleted” flag on the record or moving it to a separate “deleted” table) and is not visible to users who do not have permission to view deleted records.

Soft delete is useful because it allows for recovery of accidental deletion, it also allows for auditing purposes. Also it can be used for compliance requirements where data must be kept for certain period of time before it is removed.

3. Can you please explain route groups and named routes?

In Laravel, a “route group” is a way to group together multiple routes and apply a set of shared attributes to all of them. This can be useful for applying middleware, namespaces, or other attributes to multiple routes at once. To create a route group, you can use the Route::group method in your application’s routes/web.php or routes/api.php file. The method takes an array of attributes as its first argument and a closure that defines the routes in the group as its second argument. For example:
					Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth'], function () {
    Route::get('/dashboard', 'DashboardController@index');
    Route::get('/profile', 'ProfileController@index');

In this example, the middleware attribute is applied to all routes within the group, so both the /dashboard and /profile routes will be protected by the auth middleware.

A “named route” is a way to give a specific route a unique name, so that you can refer to it in other parts of your application without hardcoding its URL. To create a named route, you can use the name method on a route instance. For example:

					Route::get('/dashboard', 'DashboardController@index')->name('dashboard');


In this example, the /dashboard route is given the name dashboard. You can then refer to this route using its name, for example by generating URLs to it or redirecting to it.

					return redirect()->route('dashboard');

You can also group named routes together using the as method on a group of routes:

					Route::group(['as' => 'admin.'], function () {
    Route::get('/dashboard', 'DashboardController@index')->name('dashboard');
    Route::get('/profile', 'ProfileController@index')->name('profile');

This will prefix the name of all routes within the group with “admin.” So the route name for /dashboard will be admin.dashboard

Named routes and Route groups both provide a way to organize and make your routes more readable, maintainable and easy to use.

4. What is middleware, and what are the advantages of middleware?

In Laravel, middleware is a way to add extra functionality to your application such as authentication, logging, and more. Middleware in Laravel can be thought of as a series of classes that can perform actions on an incoming HTTP request before it is passed to a controller, or on the outgoing HTTP response before it is sent to the client.

Advantages of using middleware in Laravel:

  1. Modularity: Middleware allows you to separate concerns and separate different aspects of your application into their own classes, making it easier to maintain and test your code.

  2. Reusability: Middleware can be used across multiple routes or controllers, so you don’t have to repeat the same code in multiple places.

  3. Organized code: Middleware helps you to organize the code and segregate concerns.

  4. Easy to Test: Middleware allows for easy testing of different aspects of your application.

  5. Secure: Middleware can be used to add security-related functionality such as authentication and authorization, making it easy to protect your application from unauthorized access.

  6. Flexibility: Middleware can be used in different ways like global middleware, route-specific middleware, and controller-specific middleware.

In summary, Middleware is a powerful feature in Laravel that can be used to add extra functionality to your application while keeping your code organized, modular, and testable.

5. What are accessors and mutators?

In Laravel, accessors and mutators are methods that allow you to modify the data that is retrieved from or stored in your model’s attributes.

An accessor is a method that you can define in a model that is automatically called when you retrieve an attribute’s value. For example, if you have a User model with a full_name attribute, you could create an accessor that concatenates the first and last name attributes and returns them as a single string.

A mutator is a method that you can define in a model that is automatically called when you set the value of an attribute. For example, if you have a User model with a password attribute, you could create a mutator that automatically hashes the password before it is saved to the database.

Accessors and mutators allow you to modify the data that is retrieved from or stored in your model’s attributes. This can be useful for transforming data, adding calculated fields, or for security reasons.

To create an accessor method, you can create a method with the prefix get followed by the attribute name in CamelCase format, then suffixed by Attribute.

					public function getFullNameAttribute()
    return $this->first_name . ' ' . $this->last_name;

To create a mutator method, you can create a method with the prefix set followed by the attribute name in CamelCase format, then suffixed by attribute.

					public function setPasswordAttribute($value)
    $this->attributes['password'] = bcrypt($value);

Accessors and mutators can be useful in many situations, such as adding calculated fields to a model, transforming data before it is stored in the database, and for security reasons, such as encrypting sensitive data. They are also useful in keeping the logic of the application in the model rather than in the controller.

6. Explain what are traits in laravel

In Laravel, traits are a group of methods that can be used to add functionality to multiple classes. They allow you to reuse code across multiple classes without having to use inheritance. Traits are similar to interfaces in that they define a set of methods that a class must implement, but unlike interfaces, traits allow you to provide a default implementation for those methods. This means that a class can use a trait’s methods directly, without having to implement them itself. Traits are defined in their own files and can be included in any class using the “use” keyword.

7. What are Service Containers and Service Providers?

In Laravel, a Service Container, also known as the IoC (Inversion of Control) container, is a powerful tool for managing class dependencies. It is responsible for resolving class dependencies and creating new objects. The container can be used to resolve and manage singleton objects, as well as to resolve and manage non-singleton objects. 

Service Providers are the central place to configure and bootstrap Laravel. They are responsible for registering services and components with the Service Container, and they can also be used to define and configure application-wide functionality. Service Providers are typically used to register service bindings, event listeners, middleware, and more. When a user runs the command “php artisan serve” or “php artisan config:cache” all the service providers are being booted and registered. 

In summary, Service Container is an object that creates and manages other objects, while Service Providers are classes that register services and components with the Service Container, they are also used to define and configure application-wide functionality.

8. What is Eloquent?

Eloquent is the ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) included with Laravel. It is a simple and elegant way to interact with databases in Laravel. Eloquent provides an ActiveRecord implementation for working with databases. It allows you to interact with your database using an object-oriented syntax, rather than writing raw SQL queries.

Each database table has a corresponding “Model” which is used to interact with that table. For example, if you have a “users” table in your database, you would have a “User” model in your application that would be used to interact with that table. The model defines the structure of the table and the relationships between tables.

Eloquent also provides a simple and intuitive way to work with relationships between tables, such as one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships. It also provides support for eager loading and lazy loading, which can help to reduce the number of database queries needed to retrieve related data.

In summary, Eloquent is a ORM that provides an ActiveRecord implementation for working with databases in Laravel, it provides an easy way to interact with databases and handle relationships between tables, it also provides support for eager loading and lazy loading to reduce the number of database queries, and each database table has a corresponding “Model” which is used to interact with that table.

9. What is dependency injection?

Dependency injection is a design pattern that allows an object to receive its dependencies from an external source, rather than creating them itself. In other words, it’s a way to implement inversion of control (IoC) in your code.

In software development, dependencies are the other objects that a class or function relies on to do its work. For example, a class that sends an email might have a dependency on an email service. With dependency injection, the email service is passed to the class as a constructor parameter, rather than the class creating an instance of the email service itself.

There are two main types of dependency injection: constructor injection and setter injection. Constructor injection is when a class’s dependencies are passed to its constructor, while setter injection is when a class’s dependencies are set on the class after it is instantiated.

Using dependency injection has several benefits, such as:

  • Making your code more testable, as you can easily swap out the real dependencies with mock objects.
  • Improving the flexibility and maintainability of your code, as dependencies can be easily changed and updated.
  • Making the relationships between objects in your code more explicit and easier to understand.

In summary, Dependency injection is a design pattern that allows an object to receive its dependencies from an external source, rather than creating them itself, it’s a way to implement inversion of control (IoC) in your code, it can be implemented using constructor injection or setter injection and it has several benefits such as making your code more testable, improving flexibility, and making the relationships between objects more explicit and easy to understand.

10. What are events in Laravel?

In Laravel, events are a way to decouple different parts of your application and make them more modular. Events allow you to trigger certain actions in your code when certain conditions are met, without the triggering code needing to know the details of how the action is executed. They are typically used to perform tasks asynchronously, such as sending emails, processing payments, or updating a search index.

An event in Laravel is represented by a class and it can be fired using the Event facade. When an event is fired, any listeners that are registered to listen for that event will be notified and executed. Listeners are typically implemented as simple closure or a class that implements the ShouldBroadcast or ShouldQueue interface.

Events can be used in many different ways throughout your application. For example, you can use events to log user actions, send notifications, or perform other tasks when certain actions occur in your application. Laravel also provides a number of built-in events that are fired during the application lifecycle, such as the Illuminate\Auth\Events\Login event, which is fired when a user successfully logs in.

In summary, Events in Laravel are a way to decouple different parts of your application and make them more modular, they allow you to trigger certain actions in your code when certain conditions are met, without the triggering code needing to know the details of how the action is executed, and Listeners are registered to listen for that event will be notified and executed.

11. What do you understand by Reverse routing?

Reverse routing is a technique used in web development to generate URLs for a specific route based on the name or parameters of the route, rather than hard-coding the URL in the application. This allows for more flexibility and maintainability, as the URLs can be updated in a centralized location without having to update every instance of the URL in the code. Reverse routing is often used in conjunction with a routing system, such as the one provided by a web framework, to handle URL generation and routing requests in a web application.

12. Does Laravel support caching?

Yes, Laravel supports caching. Laravel provides an easy to use caching system which allows you to cache data, views and routes. Laravel supports multiple cache backends like File, Database, Redis, Memcached, and more. It also provides a caching layer on top of the database query builder and Eloquent ORM which allows you to cache the result of complex queries, reducing the load on the database. Additionally, you can also use Laravel’s cache facade to store and retrieve items from the cache, and you can use the built-in cache tags to easily manage and flush related cache items.

13. What do you know about CSRF token in Laravel? How can someone turn off CSRF protection for a specific route?

CSRF, or Cross-Site Request Forgery, is a type of security vulnerability that occurs when a malicious website or attacker is able to trick a user’s browser into making a request to another website, such as a web application. In Laravel, CSRF protection is enabled by default for all routes, and it is implemented by adding a CSRF token to forms and ajax requests, and then checking that token on the server-side to ensure that the request is legitimate.

To turn off CSRF protection for a specific route, you can use the except method on the VerifyCsrfToken middleware.

For example, to disable CSRF protection for a route group:

					Route::middleware(['web', 'auth'])->except(['payment'])->group(function () {
    Route::get('/', function () {


or, to disable CSRF protection for a single route:

					Route::post('/payment', function () {
})->middleware(['web', 'auth'])->except(['payment']);


It’s important to note that turning off CSRF protection can be a security risk and should be done with caution. It should only be done for routes that don’t require protection.

14. Which template engine is used by Laravel?

Laravel uses the Blade template engine.

15. What is the use of the Eloquent cursor() method in Laravel?

The cursor() method in Laravel’s Eloquent ORM allows you to iterate through a large result set one record at a time, instead of loading all records into memory at once. This can be useful when working with large data sets, as it can help to conserve memory and improve performance. The cursor method returns an instance of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Cursor that can be used to iterate over the results of the query.

16. Which types of relationships are available in Laravel Eloquent?

Laravel Eloquent ORM provides several types of relationships between database tables:

  1. One to One: A one-to-one relationship is used to connect two tables where one record in one table corresponds to one and only one record in another table.

  2. One to Many: A one-to-many relationship is used to connect two tables where one record in one table corresponds to multiple records in another table.

  3. Many to Many: A many-to-many relationship is used to connect two tables where multiple records in one table correspond to multiple records in another table.

  4. Has One Through: A has-one-through relationship is used to connect two tables through an intermediate table.

  5. Has Many Through: A has-many-through relationship is used to connect two tables through an intermediate table where multiple records in one table corresponds to multiple records in another table.

  6. Polymorphic Relations: Polymorphic relationships allow a model to belong to more than one type of other models on a single association.

  7. Many to Many Polymorphic: A many-to-many polymorphic relationship allows multiple models to be related to multiple other models on a single association.

  8. Has One Through Polymorphic: A has-one-through polymorphic relationship allows a model to have one related model through an intermediate table with a polymorphic type.

  9. Has Many Through Polymorphic: A has-many-through polymorphic relationship allows a model to have multiple related models through an intermediate table with a polymorphic type.

17. Can you please give me names of some packages that you used in your laravel projects?

Here i am sharing those packages name, which i used in my laravel projects, you can add yours according to your projects.

  1. Laravel DomPdf
  2. Doctrine DBAL
  3. Guzzle
  4. Laravel Collective HTML
  5. Madzipper
  6. Laravel Datatables
  7. Stripe Laravel
  8. l5 swagger
  9. Laravel Share
  10. Mattwebsite Excel
Also read: Top 4 essential laravel packages for any laravel projects

18. What do you know about Closures in Laravel?

In Laravel, a closure is a type of anonymous function that can be stored as a variable, passed as an argument to a function, or returned as a value from a function. Closures in Laravel are defined using the function keyword, followed by a set of parentheses that can include any parameters that the closure should accept.

Closures in Laravel are used in various places like Route closures, Middleware closures, Event closures, Task Scheduling closures and also in Eloquent queries.

In Route Closure, it allows you to define routes that do not have a specific controller action, instead, it uses a closure function.

In Middleware Closure, it allows you to define middleware that does not have a specific class, instead, it uses a closure function.

In Event Closure, it allows you to define event listener that does not have a specific class, instead, it uses a closure function.

In Task Scheduling Closure, it allows you to define task scheduling that does not have a specific class, instead, it uses a closure function.

In Eloquent Queries, it allows you to use closures in querying data. For example, you can use closures in the “where” method to filter data based on a specific condition.

In general, closures are used to encapsulate a small piece of code, making it reusable and easy to test.

It’s also worth to mention that in Laravel, closures are also known as anonymous functions, and it’s a powerful feature in the language that allows for functional programming styles, and makes the code more expressive, readable and flexible.

19. How will you describe Fillable Attributes in a Laravel model?

In Laravel, the fillable property on a model is used to specify which attributes of the model are mass-assignable. This means that these attributes can be set using the create or update method on the model, or using the $fillable property when using the update method on the model.

By default, all attributes on a model are mass-assignable. However, it’s a good security practice to limit the attributes that can be set in this way, as it can prevent malicious users from modifying attributes that should not be changed.

The fillable property is an array that lists the names of the attributes that are mass-assignable. For example:

					class User extends Model
    protected $fillable = ['name', 'email', 'password'];


In this example, the name, email, and password attributes can be set using the create or update method, or using the $fillable property when using the update method.

You can also use the $guarded property to specify the attributes that are not mass-assignable. If you use both $fillable and $guarded properties, the attributes in $guarded will take precedence over the attributes in $fillable.

It’s also worth noting that if you want to fill all the attributes regardless the fillable/guarded properties, you can use the $model->forceFill($attributes) method which will fill all the attributes on the model regardless of the guarded property.

In summary, The fillable property is used to specify which attributes of a model can be mass-assigned, it’s a security measure that helps to prevent malicious users from modifying attributes that should not be changed. This allows you to control the data that is saved to the database, and can help to prevent errors or security issues.

20. What are collections?

In Laravel, collections are a powerful tool for working with arrays of data. They provide a fluent, chainable interface for working with arrays, and include a variety of helpful methods for manipulating and transforming data.

Collections are instances of the Illuminate\Support\Collection class, and they can be created by passing an array of data to the constructor. For example:

					$collection = new Collection([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);


Once you have a collection, you can use a variety of methods to manipulate the data. Some examples include:

  • map: Applies a callback function to each item in the collection and returns a new collection with the results.
  • filter: Filters the items in the collection based on a callback function and returns a new collection with the items that passed the filter.
  • sort: Sorts the items in the collection based on a callback function or a value.
  • unique: Removes duplicate items from the collection.
  • count: Returns the number of items in the collection.

Collections also provide a number of higher-order messages(HOM) that allow you to perform operations on the collection and return the result as another collection. Some examples include:

  • pluck: returns a new collection containing only the values of a given key.
  • flatten: Flattens a multi-dimensional collection into a single dimension.
  • keys: Returns a new collection containing the keys of the original collection
  • zip: Merges the given array with the original collection

Eloquent models also return collections when you retrieve data from the database. For example, when you use the all method on a model, the result will be a collection. This allows you to chain collection methods directly on the result of a query.

In summary, Collections are a powerful tool in Laravel for working with arrays of data. They provide a fluent, chainable interface and a variety of helpful methods for manipulating and transforming data. They also allow you to chain multiple operations and return the result as another collection, which makes the code more expressive, readable, and easy to maintain.

As you are appearing for laravel interview, it is quite obvious that the interviewer asked you for core PHP, MySQL, and OOPS questions, so please check out the below links to prepare yourself for all the conditions.

I don’t have blogs ready for PHP(including oops) and MySQL, but you can refer to these 2 links as they have very good explanations with examples.

  1. PHP Questions
  2. MySQL Questions

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